Tree of John Hennessy's students for the Computer History Exhibits

We'd like to add all his students and grand students, as well as current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold).
Just intialized 1Dec1999. Under construction. All data to be verified.

University President, Professor EE and CS John Hennessy

PhD SUNY Stony Brook 1977
Stanford 1977 -today)
Provost, 1999-2001

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location, email)
  1. Chris Rowen (Tensilica)
  2. 1988 K. Gopinath [EE] ( <>)
  3. 1999 Cheng Che Chen -- with Russ Altman ( < >)
  4. 2002 Jeff Gibson [EE] (Sun <jeffg at>)
  5. year finished? Cristina Hristea [EE] ( <>)

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