Tree of Terry Winograd's students for the Computer History Exhibits

Started 2003, and likely quite incomplete. We'd like to add students, with graduation date and current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold).

Professor Terry Winograd (at Stanford 1971 - now)

PhD at MIT 1970, Advisor Seymor Papert. Listed in the Mathematics Genealogy Projwct..

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location, email)
  1. 1979 Alan Borning (Univ. of Washington <borning at>)
      Professor Borning, Univ. of Washington
    1. 1991 John Maloney(<>)
    2. 1991 Bjorn Freeman-Benson(<>)
    3. 1993 Molly Wilson(<>)
    4. 1994 Michael Sannella(<>)
    5. 1996 Gail Murphy(<>)
    6. 1997 Gustavo Lopez(<>)
    7. 2000 Gregory Badros(<>)
    8. 2001 Denise Pinnel(<>)
    9. 2001 Leslie Salisbury(<>)
    10. 2002 Alice Brush(<>)
    11. 2003 Michael Noth(<>)
  2. 1982 Douglas E. Appelt (SRI <appelt at>)
  3. 1984 Anne Gardner [Anne Olga von der Lieth, Law and CS] (<gardner at cs >)
  4. 1989 Stuart Shieber (Harvard <shieber at cs>)
      Prof. Shieber, Harvard Univ.
    1. 1997 Lillian Lee (Cornell Univ. <LLee at>)
        Prof. Lee, Cornell Univ.
      1. 2001 Rie Kubota Ando ( <>)
      2. 2006 Oren Kurland ( <>)
      3. 2006 Bo Pang ( <>)
    2. 2001 Rebecca Hwa ( <>)
    3. 2002 Allyn Dimock ( <>)
    4. 2002 Wheeler Rumi ( <>)
  5. 1997 Steve Cousins (PASRC, IBM <cousins at cs>)
  6. 1998 Michelle Baldonado (<michelle at cs>)
  7. 1998 Frankie James [Frances James] (<fjames at cs>)
  8. 1998, Martin Roscheisen (<rmr at cs>)
  9. 2000 Tamara Munzner (SRA; Univ.of British Columubia <tmm at>)
  10. 2002 Francois Victor Jacques Jerome Guimbretiere (Univ. Maryland <francois at>)

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