Tree of Andy Yao's Stanford students for the Computer History
Started 2004.
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(Gio Wiederhold).
Professor Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (at Stanford 1976 - 1984?)
PhDs Harvard (physics) 1972 (adv. S. Glashow), Un.of Illinois (CS) 1975
(adv. C.L. Liu). Andy Yao came to Stanford via MIT, U.C. Berkeley;
left for Princeton
year-of-PhD Name (last known location, email)
- 1979 Scott Drysdale (Dartmouth)
Prof. Drysdale Dartmouth University
- 1986 David Levine
- 1991 Barry Schaudt
- 1984 Ken Clarkson ()
- 1986, Joan Feigenbaum, (Bell-Labs. Yale Univ. < jf at cs>)
Prof. Joan Feigenbaum
- 2000 Ninghui Li, (New York University)
- 2003 Rahul Samio (Yale University)
at princeton
1990 Weizhen Mao
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