Stream Query Repository: Queries from a Military Logistics Application

Introduction Schema Queries


This page provides data stream schema and query specifications from a military logistics application. Imagine a wartime scenario where military personnel and equipment such as tanks and missiles are deployed over a wide area. The military high command stationed at an on-site operations center would like to keep track of troop movements, equipment health, and enemy positions in real-time. The schema and queries were provided by members of the Aurora Project.


Any mobile unit that should be tracked is called a platform (e.g., soldier, tank). Each platform has various sensors for different kind of measurements. Further, there are stationary sensors that perform various measurements but are not associated with any platform. The schema consists of streams for measurements from the various sensors. The schema also consists of a relation that contains details of each platform.


Queries in English

  1. Center of Mass Query: Report the center-of-mass for a platoon of soldiers every time the center-of-mass moves by 10 meters.

  2. Object Sighting Query: Report every time three observations are received from three different sources within a five minute interval of each other and the reported positions differ by not more than ten meters from each other.

  3. Boundary Crossing Query: Report when at least 40 soldiers have crossed a specified boundary.

  4. Front Line Query: Periodically compute the front line of a platoon.

  5. Fratricide Situation Query: Report whenever a tank is within 1000 meters of a friendly platform and the turret is pointed within 20 degrees of the platform.

  6. Platform Report Query: Maintain a summary of the latest information available for each tank and update it every 10 minutes.

  7. Probabilistic Enemy Tracking Query: Determine the approximate probability that multiple enemy vehicle positions reported are actually the same vehicle.

  8. Prediction Query: Based on the history of movement of a specified platform, determine the likelihood of the platform crossing a specified border within a specified period of time.

  9. Platoon SITREP Query: Roll up the summary status computed for each platform in a platoon into a situation report for the platoon.

  10. Platoon Trail Query: Draw a trail for a particular platform over the past 4 hours.

  11. Target Monitoring Query: For a specified list of enemy targets, maintain the best possible weapon system that can destroy the target. The system should respond in real-time to a command to fire at any target in the specified list. Targets will have priorities associated with them.

  12. Continuous Guidance Query: For a particular vehicle that is driving towards its destination, alert the commander on obstacles that can cause delays. Obstacles include weather warnings, threat of the route coming under indirect fire, etc.

  13. Multi-sensor Fusion Query: Combine directional (e.g., infra-red-triggered sensors) and omni-directional (e.g., seismic-triggered and magnetic-triggered sensors) unattended ground sensor streams with dissimilar indexes.

Last modified: Dec 2 2002. Please send comments and questions to