Why the name?
As an acronym, TSIMMIS stands for
"The Stanford-IBM
Manager of Multiple Information Sources."
In addition, TSIMMIS is a Yiddish word for a stew with "heterogeneous" fruits
and vegetables integrated into a surprisingly tasty whole.
Short Project Description
The goal of the TSIMMIS Project is to develop tools that facilitate the rapid
integration of heterogeneous information sources that may include both
structured and semistructured data. TSIMMIS has components that:
- translate queries and information (source wrappers);
- extract data from World Wide Web sites;
- combine information from several sources (mediator);
- allow browsing of data sources over the Web.
The TSIMMIS project is funded by DARPA.
TSIMMIS Related Links
Demo And Source Code
An overview of MOBIE used for the demo.
Last updated: 1998-Apr-04
Michael Rys