


Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, Arthur Keller, "Performance Analysis of Associative Caching Schemes for Client-Server Databases"  Submitted for Publication in August 1998, - Full Paper
Arthur M. Keller, Meikel Poess, Michael R. Genesereth,"Case Study: Creating a Dataweb of Financial Service Data Using Infomaster" Submitted for Publication in June 1998 - Full Paper


Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "Performance Analysis of an Associative Caching Scheme for Client-Server Databases," Technical Note
STAN-CS-TN-97-61, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., September 1997.

Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, Arthur M. Keller," High Performance and Scaleability Through Associative Client-Side Caching," in Seventh International
Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1997.- Full Paper

Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, Meikel Poess, "Centralized versus Distributed Index Schemes in OODBMS - A Performance Analysis," in Second International Conference of Andvances in Database and Information Systems Abstract; Full Paper

Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, Arthur M. Keller,"Performance Analysis of Associative Caching in the Presence of Updates"Submitted for Publication March 1997- Abstract; Full Paper

Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, Meikel Poess, "Performance Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Index Schemes for a Page Server OODBMS," Stanford Computer Science Technical Note: STAN-CS-TN-97-55, February 1997 - Full Paper

Meikel Poess, "Performance Evaluation of SQL*Cache: A Predicate-Based Caching System ," Diploma thesis (Diplomarbeit) at Stanford University/University of Karlsruhe, January 1997


Meikel Poess, "Extension of an existing information-system for the administration of professor's publications at Politecnico di Torino," Midterm thesis (Studienarbeit) at the Politecnico die Torino, October 1995