To go to Arthur Keller's UCSC home page, click here.
To go to Arthur Keller's Minerva Consulting page on advising startups, click here.
To go to Arthur Keller's Minerva Consulting page on expert witness consulting, click here.
See the profile of Arthur Keller in TechWeb on March 10, 2000.
Click here for the frames version.
Arthur M. Keller's papers since 1991 are listed below sorted several ways.
Dr. Keller is listed in Marquis' Who's Who in America, Millenium Edition.
Click here for the several new papers.
Arthur Keller is now a lecturer and researcher of Technology and Information Management at UC Santa Cruz.
Here is a map with directions to the Gates building.
Arthur M. Keller's thesis, Updating Relational Databases Through Views, from February 1985 is now available online. Also a Postscript file.
To give feedback on this list of papers, please click here.
Arthur M. Keller,
"Comments on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems,"
in Workshop on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems, sponsored by
Election Assistance Commission (EAC),
Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) of the Department of Defense, and
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
Washington DC, August 6-7, 2010.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2007),
Portland Oregon, July 23-27, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz,
"A Deeper Look: Rebutting Shamos on e-Voting,"
in University Voting System Competition (VoComp) 2007,
Portland Oregon, July 16-18, 2007.
Arthur Keller,
"An Urgent Need for 'Open-Source' Voting Systems,"
Palo Alto Weekly,
Palo Alto, California, November 1, 2006, Section 1, Page 18.
Web version.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2006),
Portland Oregon, July 24-28, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2007),
Portland Oregon, July 23-27, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues for a Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, and Amy Pearl,
"A Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture and an Electronic Audit Trail,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
in Privacy and Technologies of Identity:
A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation,
Katherine J. Strandburg and Daniela Stan Raicu, eds.,
Springer Science+Business Media: New York, 2006.
Matthew B. Prince, Lee Holloway, Eric Langheinrich, Benjamin M. Dahl,
and Arthur M. Keller,
"Understanding How Spammers Steal Your E-Mail Address: An Analysis of the First
Six Months of Data from Project Honey Pot,"
Second Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, CEAS 2005, July 21-22, 2005,
Stanford, California.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, Amy Pearl, and
Joseph Lorenzo Hall,
"A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine
with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot,"
USENIX '05, FREENIX track, April 10-15, 2005, Anaheim, California.
Web version available
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
(Extended Abstract)
in Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2004.
October 28, 2004, Washington DC.
The talk at
CIPLIT 2004 can be found
Matthew Prince, Arthur M. Keller, and Ben Dahl,
"No-Email-Collection Flag,"
in Conference on Email and Anti-Spam,
Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004.
Indu Bingham, Barbara Hoefle, Kim Phan, Jim Sizemore, and Arthur M. Keller,
"Collaboration Software to Reduce Inventory and Increase Response,"
(Extended Abstract)
in 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'03),
June 9-12, 2003, San Diego, California.
Also a Postscript file.
The full version of this paper is here.
Also a Postscript file.
Read about Serus Corp. See the article in Silicon India.
Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, Amin P. Charaniya,
Srikumar Ramalingam, and Arthur M. Keller,
"Consistent Visualization and Querying of Spatial Databases by a
Location-Aware Mobile Agent,"
in Proceedings of Computer Graphics International (CGI), Tokyo, Japan,
July 2003.
Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Christopher Keene, and Arthur M. Keller, "Architecting Object Applications for High Performance with Relational Databases," in OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, October 95; earlier version appeared in USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, July 1995. A later version is here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Paul Turner, "Migrating to Object Data Management," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence," in Succeeding with Object Databases, Akmal B. Chaudhri and Roberto Zicari, eds., John Wiley, 2001. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Richard Jensen, and Shailesh Agarwal, "Persistence Software: Bridging Object-Oriented Programming and Relational Databases," appeared in SIGMOD, May 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Paul Turner and Arthur M. Keller, "Reflections on Object-Relational Applications," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object and Relational Databases, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views," appeared in ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database," appeared in Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong, May 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Catherine Hamon, "A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object Models," appeared in Foundations on Data Organization (FODO) 93, Chicago, October 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Catherine Hamon and Arthur M. Keller, "Two-Level Caching of Composite Object Views of Relational Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh, and Mustafa A. Syed, "A Smart Catalog and Brokering Architecture for Electronic Commerce," appeared in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Reprinted in Stanford CS Technical Report CS-TR-95-15. A later version is here. Also a Postscript file.
Donald F. Geddis, Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Narinder P. Singh, "Infomaster: A Virtual Information System," in Intelligent Information Agents Workshop at CIKM '95, December 1995. A later version is here. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold, "Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly Inconsistent Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Arthur M. Keller, and Robert Pang "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," appeared in MOBIDATA: Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Information Systems, Rutgers, NJ, November 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Gio Wiederhold and Arthur M. Keller, "Integrating Data into Objects Using Structural Knowledge," in Third International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology (3ICCRTS), National Defense University, June 1997. Also a Postscript file.
William T. Wong and Arthur M. Keller, "Developing an Internet Presence with On-line Electronic Catalogs," in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Oliver M. Duschka, "Infomaster: An Information Integration System," ACM SIGMOD, May 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "Performance Analysis of an Associative Caching Scheme for Client-Server Databases," Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-97-61, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, and Meikel Poess, "Centralized Versus Distributed Index Management in a Page Server OODBMS," ADBIS '97, August 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu and Arthur M. Keller, "Degrees of Transaction Isolation in SQL*Cache: A Predicate-based Client-side Caching System" submitted for publication, May 1996. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Arthur M. Keller, Ashish Gupta, Karthik Krishnamurthy, Kincho H. Law, Paul M. Teicholz, Sanjai Tiwari, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Versions, Configurations, and Constraints in CEDB," CIFE Working Paper #31, Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering, Stanford University, April 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, and Pierangela Samarati, "A Classification of Update Methods for Replicated Databases," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1392, October 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Christopher Keene, and Arthur M. Keller, "Architecting Object Applications for High Performance with Relational Databases," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold, "Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly Inconsistent Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Arthur M. Keller, and Robert Pang, "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," (short version) appeared in MOBIDATA: Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Information Systems, Rutgers, NJ, November 1994 Also a Postscript file.
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views," appeared in ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, and Meikel Poess, "Centralized Versus Distributed Index Management in a Page Server OODBMS," ADBIS '97, August 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller and Meikel Poess, "Performance Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Index Schemes for a Page Server OODBMS," Technical Note CS-TN-97-55, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., March 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu and Arthur M. Keller, "Degrees of Transaction Isolation in SQL*Cache: A Predicate-based Client-side Caching System" submitted for publication, May 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "Performance Analysis of an Associative Caching Scheme for Client-Server Databases," Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-97-61, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "High Performance and Scalability Through Associative Client-Side Caching," in Seventh International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Indu Bingham, Barbara Hoefle, Kim Phan, Jim Sizemore, and Arthur M. Keller, "Collaboration Software to Reduce Inventory and Increase Response," (Extended Abstract) in 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'03), June 9-12, 2003, San Diego, California. Also a Postscript file. The full version of this paper is here. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, and Pierangela Samarati, "A Classification of Update Methods for Replicated Databases," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1392, October 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Achieving Incremental Consistency among Autonomous Replicated Databases," appeared in DS-5 (Semantic Interoperability), November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "The Case for Independent Updates," appeared in IEEE Workshop on Management of Replicated Data II, Monterey California, November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Independent Updates and Incremental Agreement in Replicated Databases," appeared in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Databases, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1995 ; earlier version appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-92-1446, October 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Donald F. Geddis, Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Narinder P. Singh, "Infomaster: A Virtual Information System," in Intelligent Information Agents Workshop at CIKM '95, December 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Oliver M. Duschka, "Infomaster: An Information Integration System," ACM SIGMOD, May 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Catherine Hamon and Arthur M. Keller, "Two-Level Caching of Composite Object Views of Relational Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
Also a Postscript file.Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, Peter K. Rathmann, and Gio Wiederhold, "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1381, September 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions," appeared in ACM HYPERTEXT '91, December 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Relationship Abstractions for an Effective Hypertext Design: Augmentation and Globalization," appeared in Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA '91, August 1991. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Arthur M. Keller, Ashish Gupta, Karthik Krishnamurthy, Kincho H. Law, Paul M. Teicholz, Sanjai Tiwari, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Versions, Configurations, and Constraints in CEDB," CIFE Working Paper #31, Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering, Stanford University, April 1994. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Jeffrey Ullman, Kincho Law, Arthur Keller, Sanjai Tiwari, Ashish Gupta, and Karthik Krishnamurthy, "Integrated Data Exchange and Concurrent Design for Engineered Facilities," appeared in Proceedings of NSF Scientific Database Projects 1991-1993, AAAS Workshop on Data Management for the Scientist and Engineer, Boston, February 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, October 1995; earlier version in USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, August 1995 is found here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in Readings in Electronic Commerce, Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston, eds., Addison-Wesley, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Research Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel presentation, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur Keller,
"An Urgent Need for 'Open-Source' Voting Systems,"
Palo Alto Weekly,
Palo Alto, California, November 1, 2006, Section 1, Page 18.
Web version.
Arthur M. Keller,
"Comments on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems,"
in Workshop on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems, sponsored by
Election Assistance Commission (EAC),
Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) of the Department of Defense, and
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
Washington DC, August 6-7, 2010.
Arthur M. Keller, Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Wei Huang, Behfar Razavi, and Robert Pang, "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," (full version) to appear in Mobile Computing, Tomasz Imielinski and Henry F. Korth, eds., to be published by Kluwer Academic Press, fall 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," appeared in Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS), September 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," to appear in VLDB Journal, January 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz,
"A Deeper Look: Rebutting Shamos on e-Voting,"
in University Voting System Competition (VoComp) 2007,
Portland Oregon, July 16-18, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, and Amy Pearl,
"A Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture and an Electronic Audit Trail,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, Amy Pearl, and Joseph Lorenzo Hall, "A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot," USENIX '05, FREENIX track, April 10-15, 2005, Anaheim, California. Web version available here.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," in ACM NOMAD (Mobile Networks and Applications), Baltzer Science Publishers and ACM, Special Issue on Personal Communications, Vol. 2, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," accepted for publication in 2nd Mobile Computing Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Using Infomaster to Create a Housewares Virtual Catalog," in Int. Journal of Electronic Markets, Institute for Media and Communication Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Multivendor Catalogs: Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in EDI Forum, The Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh, and Mustafa A. Syed, "A Smart Catalog and Brokering Architecture for Electronic Commerce," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Reprinted in Stanford CS Technical Report CS-TR-95-15. A later version is here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Catherine Hamon, "A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object Models," appeared in Foundations on Data Organization (FODO) 93, Chicago, October 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Richard Jensen, and Shailesh Agarwal, "Persistence Software: Bridging Object-Oriented Programming and Relational Databases," appeared in SIGMOD, May 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and John J. Kenney, "Formal Methods Position Paper," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop II, Dallas, TX, September 1991. (not available online.)
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2006),
Portland Oregon, July 24-28, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2007),
Portland Oregon, July 23-27, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
(Extended Abstract)
in Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2004.
October 28, 2004, Washington DC.
The talk at
CIPLIT 2004 can be found
``Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,''
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
in {\sl Privacy and Technologies of Identity:
A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation},
Katherine J. Strandburg and Daniela Stan Raicu, eds.,
Springer Science+Business Media: New York, 2006, pp. 313-334.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues for a Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller and Doug Morgan, "Open OODB Issues," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop I, Dallas, TX, March 1991. (not available online.)
Arthur M. Keller and Shaibal Roy, "Adaptive Parallel Hash Join in Main-Memory Databases," appeared in First International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS), Miami Florida, December 1991. (not available online.)
Arthur M. Keller and Paul Turner, "Migrating to Object Data Management," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "A Version Numbering Scheme with a Useful Lexicographical Order," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Modularization of the DADAISM Ada Database System Architecture," working document, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence," in Succeeding with Object Databases, Akmal B. Chaudhri and Roberto Zicari, eds., John Wiley, 2001. Also a Postscript file.
Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, Amin P. Charaniya, Srikumar Ramalingam, and Arthur M. Keller, "Consistent Visualization and Querying of Spatial Databases by a Location-Aware Mobile Agent," in Proceedings of Computer Graphics International (CGI), Tokyo, Japan, July 2003. Also a Postscript file.
M. Tamer Ozsu, panel chair, "Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel description, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
Matthew B. Prince, Lee Holloway, Eric Langheinrich, Benjamin M. Dahl,
and Arthur M. Keller,
"Understanding How Spammers Steal Your E-Mail Address: An Analysis of the First
Six Months of Data from Project Honey Pot,"
Second Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, CEAS 2005, July 21-22, 2005,
Stanford, California.
Matthew Prince, Arthur M. Keller, and Ben Dahl,
"No-Email-Collection Flag,"
in Conference on Email and Anti-Spam,
Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database," appeared in Int. Symp. on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications (NDA) 93, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database," appeared in Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong, May 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Paul Turner and Arthur M. Keller, "Reflections on Object-Relational Applications," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object and Relational Databases, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Gio Wiederhold and Arthur M. Keller, "Integrating Data into Objects Using Structural Knowledge," in Third International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology (3ICCRTS), National Defense University, June 1997. Also a Postscript file.
William T. Wong and Arthur M. Keller, "Developing an Internet Presence with On-line Electronic Catalogs," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Zhu Liping, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Sequenced vs. Pipelined Parallel Joins in Paradata," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1351, February 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2007),
Portland Oregon, July 23-27, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz,
"A Deeper Look: Rebutting Shamos on e-Voting,"
in University Voting System Competition (VoComp) 2007,
Portland Oregon, July 16-18, 2007.
Arthur Keller,
"An Urgent Need for 'Open-Source' Voting Systems,"
Palo Alto Weekly,
Palo Alto, California, November 1, 2006, Section 1, Page 18.
Web version.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2006),
Portland Oregon, July 24-28, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues for a Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, and Amy Pearl,
"A Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture and an Electronic Audit Trail,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Matthew B. Prince, Lee Holloway, Eric Langheinrich, Benjamin M. Dahl,
and Arthur M. Keller,
"Understanding How Spammers Steal Your E-Mail Address: An Analysis of the First
Six Months of Data from Project Honey Pot,"
Second Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, CEAS 2005, July 21-22, 2005,
Stanford, California.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
in Privacy and Technologies of Identity:
A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation,
Katherine J. Strandburg and Daniela Stan Raicu, eds.,
Springer Science+Business Media: New York, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
(Extended Abstract)
in Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2004.
October 28, 2004, Washington DC.
The talk at
CIPLIT 2004 can be found
Matthew Prince, Arthur M. Keller, and Ben Dahl,
"No-Email-Collection Flag,"
in Conference on Email and Anti-Spam,
Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004.
Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, Amin P. Charaniya,
Srikumar Ramalingam, and Arthur M. Keller,
"Consistent Visualization and Querying of Spatial Databases by a
Location-Aware Mobile Agent,"
in Proceedings of Computer Graphics International (CGI), Tokyo, Japan,
July 2003.
Also a Postscript file.
Indu Bingham, Barbara Hoefle, Kim Phan, Jim Sizemore, and Arthur M. Keller,
"Collaboration Software to Reduce Inventory and Increase Response,"
(Extended Abstract)
in 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'03),
June 9-12, 2003, San Diego, California.
Also a Postscript file.
The full version of this paper is here.
Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence," in Succeeding with Object Databases, Akmal B. Chaudhri and Roberto Zicari, eds., John Wiley, 2001. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Research Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel presentation, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
M. Tamer Ozsu, panel chair, "Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel description, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Using Infomaster to Create a Housewares Virtual Catalog," in Int. Journal of Electronic Markets, Institute for Media and Communication Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "Performance Analysis of an Associative Caching Scheme for Client-Server Databases," Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-97-61, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "High Performance and Scalability Through Associative Client-Side Caching," in Seventh International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, and Meikel Poess, "Centralized Versus Distributed Index Management in a Page Server OODBMS," ADBIS '97, August 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Gio Wiederhold and Arthur M. Keller, "Integrating Data into Objects Using Structural Knowledge," in Third International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology (3ICCRTS), National Defense University, June 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Oliver M. Duschka, "Infomaster: An Information Integration System," ACM SIGMOD, May 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller and Meikel Poess, "Performance Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Index Schemes for a Page Server OODBMS," Technical Note CS-TN-97-55, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., March 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in Readings in Electronic Commerce, Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston, eds., Addison-Wesley, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Multivendor Catalogs: Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in EDI Forum, The Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu and Arthur M. Keller, "Degrees of Transaction Isolation in SQL*Cache: A Predicate-based Client-side Caching System" submitted for publication, May 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," in ACM NOMAD (Mobile Networks and Applications), Baltzer Science Publishers and ACM, Special Issue on Personal Communications, Vol. 2, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," accepted for publication in 2nd Mobile Computing Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," in VLDB Journal, January 1996. Updated: published version. Also a Postscript file.
Donald F. Geddis, Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Narinder P. Singh, "Infomaster: A Virtual Information System," in Intelligent Information Agents Workshop at CIKM '95, December 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, October 1995; earlier version in USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, August 1995 is found here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Wei Huang, Behfar Razavi, and Robert Pang, "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," (full version) to appear in Mobile Computing, Tomasz Imielinski and Henry F. Korth, eds., to be published by Kluwer Academic Press, fall 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Paul Turner and Arthur M. Keller, "Reflections on Object-Relational Applications," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object and Relational Databases, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Christopher Keene, and Arthur M. Keller, "Architecting Object Applications for High Performance with Relational Databases," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Paul Turner, "Migrating to Object Data Management," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Independent Updates and Incremental Agreement in Replicated Databases," appeared in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Databases, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1995 ; earlier version appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-92-1446, October 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold, "Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly Inconsistent Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Catherine Hamon and Arthur M. Keller, "Two-Level Caching of Composite Object Views of Relational Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "A Version Numbering Scheme with a Useful Lexicographical Order," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh, and Mustafa A. Syed, "A Smart Catalog and Brokering Architecture for Electronic Commerce," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Reprinted in Stanford CS Technical Report CS-TR-95-15. A later version is here. Also a Postscript file.
William T. Wong and Arthur M. Keller, "Developing an Internet Presence with On-line Electronic Catalogs," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Arthur M. Keller, and Robert Pang "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," appeared in MOBIDATA: Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Information Systems, Rutgers, NJ, November 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," appeared in Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS), September 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database," appeared in Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong, May 1994. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Arthur M. Keller, Ashish Gupta, Karthik Krishnamurthy, Kincho H. Law, Paul M. Teicholz, Sanjai Tiwari, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Versions, Configurations, and Constraints in CEDB," CIFE Working Paper #31, Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering, Stanford University, April 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Catherine Hamon, "A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object Models," appeared in Foundations on Data Organization (FODO) 93, Chicago, October 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database," appeared in Int. Symp. on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications (NDA) 93, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Richard Jensen, and Shailesh Agarwal, "Persistence Software: Bridging Object-Oriented Programming and Relational Databases," appeared in SIGMOD, May 1993. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Jeffrey Ullman, Kincho Law, Arthur Keller, Sanjai Tiwari, Ashish Gupta, and Karthik Krishnamurthy, "Integrated Data Exchange and Concurrent Design for Engineered Facilities," appeared in Proceedings of NSF Scientific Database Projects 1991-1993, AAAS Workshop on Data Management for the Scientist and Engineer, Boston, February 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Achieving Incremental Consistency among Autonomous Replicated Databases," appeared in DS-5 (Semantic Interoperability), November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "The Case for Independent Updates," appeared in IEEE Workshop on Management of Replicated Data II, Monterey California, November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh S. Agarwal, Krishna C. Saraswat, Gio Wiederhold, and Arthur M. Keller, "Flexible Relations: An Approach for Integrated Data in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment," appeared in Seventh Annual SRC/DARPA CIM-IC Workshop}, Stanford California, August 1992. (not available online.)
Arthur M. Keller and Shaibal Roy, "Adaptive Parallel Hash Join in Main-Memory Databases," appeared in First International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS), Miami Florida, December 1991. (not available online.)
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions," appeared in ACM HYPERTEXT '91, December 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, and Pierangela Samarati, "A Classification of Update Methods for Replicated Databases," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1392, October 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, Peter K. Rathmann, and Gio Wiederhold, "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1381, September 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and John J. Kenney, "Formal Methods Position Paper," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop II, Dallas, TX, September 1991. (not available online.)
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Relationship Abstractions for an Effective Hypertext Design: Augmentation and Globalization," appeared in Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA '91, August 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views," appeared in ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Modularization of the DADAISM Ada Database System Architecture," working document, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Doug Morgan, "Open OODB Issues," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop I, Dallas, TX, March 1991. (not available online.)
Zhu Liping, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Sequenced vs. Pipelined Parallel Joins in Paradata," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1351, February 1991. Also a Postscript file.
See also papers on Infomaster in the section on Distributed and/or heterogeneous databases, database integration, and Infomaster.
Indu Bingham, Barbara Hoefle, Kim Phan, Jim Sizemore, and Arthur M. Keller, "Collaboration Software to Reduce Inventory and Increase Response," (Extended Abstract) in 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'03), June 9-12, 2003, San Diego, California. Also a Postscript file. The full version of this paper is here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Research Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel presentation, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
M. Tamer Ozsu, panel chair, "Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce," SIGMOD 99, panel description, June 1999. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Using Infomaster to Create a Housewares Virtual Catalog," in Int. Journal of Electronic Markets, Institute for Media and Communication Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1997. Also Postscript file. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in Readings in Electronic Commerce, Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston, eds., Addison-Wesley, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Michael R. Genesereth, "Multivendor Catalogs: Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in EDI Forum, The Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs," in International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, October 1995; earlier version in USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, August 1995 is found here. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh, and Mustafa A. Syed, "A Smart Catalog and Brokering Architecture for Electronic Commerce," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Reprinted in Stanford CS Technical Report CS-TR-95-15. This is an earlier version of the "Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs" paper here. Also a Postscript file.
William T. Wong and Arthur M. Keller, "Developing an Internet Presence with On-line Electronic Catalogs," accepted for publication in Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Modularization of the DADAISM Ada Database System Architecture," working document, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Zhu Liping, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Sequenced vs. Pipelined Parallel Joins in Paradata," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1351, February 1991. Also a Postscript file.
See also papers on electronic commerce.
Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Oliver M. Duschka, "Infomaster: An Information Integration System," ACM SIGMOD, May 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Donald F. Geddis, Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M. Keller, and Narinder P. Singh, "Infomaster: A Virtual Information System," in Intelligent Information Agents Workshop at CIKM '95, December 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Independent Updates and Incremental Agreement in Replicated Databases," appeared in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Databases, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1995; earlier version appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-92-1446, October 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold, "Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly Inconsistent Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "Achieving Incremental Consistency among Autonomous Replicated Databases," appeared in DS-5 (Semantic Interoperability), November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh S. Agarwal, Krishna C. Saraswat, Gio Wiederhold, and Arthur M. Keller, "Flexible Relations: An Approach for Integrated Data in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment," appeared in Seventh Annual SRC/DARPA CIM-IC Workshop}, Stanford California, August 1992. (not available online.)
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, and Pierangela Samarati, "A Classification of Update Methods for Replicated Databases," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1392, October 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, "The Case for Independent Updates," appeared in IEEE Workshop on Management of Replicated Data II, Monterey California, November 1992. Also a Postscript file.
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, Peter K. Rathmann, and Gio Wiederhold, "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions," appeared as Stanford University, Computer Science Technical Report STAN-CS-91-1381, September 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Relationship Abstractions for an Effective Hypertext Design: Augmentation and Globalization," appeared in Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA '91, August 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," in ACM NOMAD (Mobile Networks and Applications), Baltzer Science Publishers and ACM, Special Issue on Personal Communications, Vol. 2, 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, "Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA," accepted for publication in 2nd Mobile Computing Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Wei Huang, Behfar Razavi, and Robert Pang, "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," (full version) to appear in Mobile Computing, Tomasz Imielinski and Henry F. Korth, eds., to be published by Kluwer Academic Press, fall 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Arthur M. Keller, and Robert Pang "The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing," appeared in MOBIDATA: Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Information Systems, Rutgers, NJ, November 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Gio Wiederhold, "Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence," in Succeeding with Object Databases, Akmal B. Chaudhri and Roberto Zicari, eds., John Wiley, 2001. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "Performance Analysis of an Associative Caching Scheme for Client-Server Databases," Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-97-61, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Meikel Poess, and Arthur M. Keller, "High Performance and Scalability Through Associative Client-Side Caching," in Seventh International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, and Meikel Poess, "Centralized Versus Distributed Index Management in a Page Server OODBMS," ADBIS '97, August 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Gio Wiederhold and Arthur M. Keller, "Integrating Data into Objects Using Structural Knowledge," in Third International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology (3ICCRTS), National Defense University, June 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller and Meikel Poess, "Performance Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Index Schemes for a Page Server OODBMS," Technical Note CS-TN-97-55, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., March 1997. Also a Postscript file.
Julie Basu and Arthur M. Keller, "Degrees of Transaction Isolation in SQL*Cache: A Predicate-based Client-side Caching System" submitted for publication, May 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," to appear in VLDB Journal, January 1996. Also a Postscript file.
Shailesh Agarwal, Christopher Keene, and Arthur M. Keller, "Architecting Object Applications for High Performance with Relational Databases," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Paul Turner, "Migrating to Object Data Management," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Paul Turner and Arthur M. Keller, "Reflections on Object-Relational Applications," to appear in OOPSLA Workshop on Object and Relational Databases, Austin, TX, October 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Catherine Hamon and Arthur M. Keller, "Two-Level Caching of Composite Object Views of Relational Databases," appeared in Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Julie Basu, "A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures," appeared in Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS), September 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database," appeared in Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong, May 1994. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Catherine Hamon, "A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object Models," appeared in Foundations on Data Organization (FODO) 93, Chicago, October 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Arthur M. Keller, "Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database," appeared in Int. Symp. on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications (NDA) 93, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller, Richard Jensen, and Shailesh Agarwal, "Persistence Software: Bridging Object-Oriented Programming and Relational Databases," appeared in SIGMOD, May 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and John J. Kenney, "Formal Methods Position Paper," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop II, Dallas, TX, September 1991. (not available online.)
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, "Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views," appeared in ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO, May 1991. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and Doug Morgan, "Open OODB Issues," appeared in TI/DARPA Open OODB Workshop I, Dallas, TX, March 1991. (not available online.)
H. Craig Howard, Arthur M. Keller, Ashish Gupta, Karthik Krishnamurthy, Kincho H. Law, Paul M. Teicholz, Sanjai Tiwari, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Versions, Configurations, and Constraints in CEDB," CIFE Working Paper #31, Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering, Stanford University, April 1994. Also a Postscript file.
H. Craig Howard, Jeffrey Ullman, Kincho Law, Arthur Keller, Sanjai Tiwari, Ashish Gupta, and Karthik Krishnamurthy, "Integrated Data Exchange and Concurrent Design for Engineered Facilities," appeared in Proceedings of NSF Scientific Database Projects 1991-1993, AAAS Workshop on Data Management for the Scientist and Engineer, Boston, February 1993. Also a Postscript file.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2007),
Portland Oregon, July 23-27, 2007.
Arthur M. Keller, Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz,
"A Deeper Look: Rebutting Shamos on e-Voting,"
in University Voting System Competition (VoComp) 2007,
Portland Oregon, July 16-18, 2007.
Arthur Keller,
"An Urgent Need for 'Open-Source' Voting Systems,"
Palo Alto Weekly,
Palo Alto, California, November 1, 2006, Section 1, Page 18.
Web version.
Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz,
"Open Source Voting,"
presented at Open
Source Convention (OSCON 2006),
Portland Oregon, July 24-28, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues for a Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, and Amy Pearl,
"A Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture and an Electronic Audit Trail,"
in Threat
Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods
(VSRW 06),
John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds.,
Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
The presentation can be found here.
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
in Privacy and Technologies of Identity:
A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation,
Katherine J. Strandburg and Daniela Stan Raicu, eds.,
Springer Science+Business Media: New York, 2006.
Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, Amy Pearl, and
Joseph Lorenzo Hall,
"A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine
with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot,"
USENIX '05, FREENIX track, April 10-15, 2005, Anaheim, California.
Web version available
Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken,
"Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,"
(Extended Abstract)
in Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2004.
October 28, 2004, Washington DC.
The talk at
CIPLIT 2004 can be found
Matthew Prince, Arthur M. Keller, and Ben Dahl,
"No-Email-Collection Flag,"
in Conference on Email and Anti-Spam,
Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004.