The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory S-1 project and Stanford University
Starting in 1975 a project to build a new supercomputer
for high demand computing research at
Livermore Laboratory (LLL) was initiated by
Lowell Wood of the LLL O-group. A number of subcontracts, primarily for
design and support software were issued to Stanford's Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science departments.
The Stanford Computer History Wiki maintains a
for the S-1 project as part of its overall history timeline.
These pages are to document the work done at Stanford and by
Stanford staff and students at LLL. It is motivated by plans to have
an S-1 computer on exhibit as part of the
exhibits in the Stanford Gates Computer Science building, in
cooperation with the
Computer History Museum (CHM) in Mountain View. The
immediate trigger was a celebration of Lowell Wood's 65th
birthday, hosted by Michael Farmwald in May 21st 2006 in Pescadero.
Please contribute any relevant information you have by sending email
I will also enter related information, but not seek it actively.
The main entry is now part of the
Computer History Pages, specifically the section with
S-1 project information.
A list of project
participants has been created.
There are also some
early S-1 hardware pictures and
pictures of the S-1 Mark I in the Computer History Museum
warehouse (with dimensions).
See also S-1 Mark II hardware pictures and information, with dimensions.
Pictures of S-1 project participants
at a party in 2006.
LLNL people
- Lowell Wood (1975-2006+) LLL PI: Inspiration and funding, originally with
LLL O group, now at Stanford's Hoover Institute group <lowellwood at>.
- Hon Wah Chin, in the Bay Area <hwchin at>.
The project was based at Lawrence Livemore Labs (LLL), then operated by the University of California.
It has since been renamed the Lawrence Livemore National Laboratorys (LLNL) and is operated by a contractor.
While these pages focus on Stanford, many MIT folk participated in creating the Amber Operating System for the S-1. They are listed below.
Stanford related participants
In alphabetical order, but very incomplete
- Jeff Barth (1976-1978) PI: Pascal, P-code,
now at ? < ? at >.
- Forest Baskett (1978-1980) ?,
now at New Enterprise Associates < ? at >.
- John Beetem (1978-1980) ?,
now at ? < ? at >.
- Rodney Brooks (?) LISP,
now at MIT < ? at >.
- Fernando Castaneda (1977-?) UFORT Fortran Compiler,
now at ? < ? at >.
- Fred Chow (1977-?) Assembler?, UFORT Fortran Compiler,
Went to MIPS, SGI, now at Cognigine? < ? at >.
- Richard Gabriel (1977-?) Lisp.
Founded Lucid, now at ? < rpg at>.
- Erik Gilbert (1977-?) P-code interpreter?,
Sun, Transmeta, CISCO, retired <egilbert at>.
- Ramez El-Masri (1977-?) Assembler,
now at U Texas, Arlington <elmasri at>.
- Mike Farmwald (1977-?) Instruction set, Risc architecture. Went to FTL,
then MIPS, UICU, Rambus?, Skymoon Ventures <mike at>.
- Brent Hailpern (1977-?) ?,
now At IBM Almaden Research < ? at >.
- John Hennessy (1977-?) technolgy advice,
now Stanford president ? < ? at >.
- Bruce Hitson (1977-?) ,
now at StartUpStreet < >.
- Arthur Keller (1977-?) loader and linker,
now UC Santa Cruz <Arthur at>.
- John McCarthy (1977-?) PI: operating systems?,
retired from Stanford CS <jmc at>.
- Tom McWilliams (1977-?) SCALD Design software, founder ValidLogic, Pathscale,
Sun, Schoonner Information technology <tom at>.
- Peter Nye (1977-?) UFORT Fortran,
now at ? < ? at >.
- Jeff Rubin (1977-?) S-1 emulator, Assembler,
now at ? < ? at >.
- Dick Sites -- UC San Diego (1977-?) U-code, P-code Pascal?.
now at ? < ? at >.
- Danny Sleator (1977-?) UFort compiler?.
now at ? < ? at >.
- Curt Widdoes (1977-?) SCALD Design software,
founded ValidLogic, 0-innovation, now at Mentor Graphics <cwiddoes at >.
- Gio Wiederhold (1977-1979) PI: software, compilers,
now retired from Stanford CS <gio at>.
A number of other participants came from the MIT AI-Lab
- Ted Anderson, Amber Operating System. Went to CMU, now at
IBM via Transarc.
- Jeff Broughton, Amber OS, Sun, Lawrence Berkeley NL <jeffbroughton at>
- Charles Frankston (May 1979-Jan.1982). Amber and communication <cbf at>
- Earl Killian, now part-time at Stanford.
- Bill Newman, <willyn at >
- Lee Parks (May 1979-Jan.1982). Amber and communication < >
Daniel Weinreb: Amber file-sharing system, ITA Software <dlw at>.
See also Mark Smotherman's list of participants.
Pictures of S-1 folk
mainly from a May 2006 party, more to come
Description and pointers to documents of the S-1
The S-1 Multiprocessor Test and evaluation Facility; ;
NAVELEX, 1984.
Much more to come
- Rodney A. Brooks, Richard P. Gabriel, Guy L. Steele, Jr.: S-1 Common Lisp
Implementation; Conference on LISP and Functional Programming, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, pp. 108 - 113, 1982, ISBN:0-89791-082-6.
- Castaneda, Fernando, F. Chow, P. Nye, D. Sleator, and G.
Wiederhold: PCFORT, A FORTRAN to P-Code Translator;
Stanford CSL Technical Report 160 (160/CSL-TR-79-160.pdf)
not available; Stanford University, January 1979.
- Chow, Fred, Peter Nye, and Gio Wiederhold:
UFORT, A Fortran to
U-Code Translator; (pdf), Technical Report CS 160, January 1979,
CSL Technical Report No. 168 (168/CSL-TR-79-168.pdf),
Stanford University,
February 1980; .
- Correll, Steven. S-1 uniprocessor architecture (SMA-4). In The S-1 Project 1979 Annual Report, volume I, chapter 4.
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California, 1979.
- Keller, Arthur and Gio Wiederhold: S-1 Intermediate Loader
Format and S-1 Linker; CSL Technical Note 147, Stanford University,
- Chow, Fred, Peter Nye, and Gio Wiederhold:
Mark Smotherman: Livermore S-1 Supercomputer, A Brief History, 2005.
Mark Smotherman: S-1 Supercomputer Alumni, 2005.
Pictures of the S-1
To the S-1 people page,
To the S-1 hardware page.
To the pictures of the S-1 Mark I
in the Computer History Museumwarehouse in Milpitas.
To a few S-1 Mark II hardware pictures and information.
Back to the Stanford Computer Science History displays photo tour.
Back to the Stanford Computer Science History wiki pages.