Tree of Ted Shortliffe's students for the Computer History Exhibits

This tree is quite incomplete. We'd like to add current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold).

Professor Shortliffe received his Interdepartemental PhD at Stanford in 1975. His principal advisor was Professor Stanley Cohen. Other committee members were Cordell Green, Howard Sussman, Bill Brown, and Pat Suppes, with Bruce Buchanan advising as well.

Professor Edward H. Shortliffe (at Stanford 1975-2000, at Columbia University 2000-now)

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location, <email> )
    at Stanford University
  1. 1984 Gregory Cooper (Stanford, Univ.of Pittsburgh <gfc at> )
      Professor Cooper
      at Stanford
    1. 1991 Eddie Herskovits (Un.Penn)
    2. 1992 Jaap Suermondt (HP labs)
  2. 1986 Glenn Rennels (Permanente Medical Group and Stanford)
      Professor Rennels, Stanford SMI
    1. 1997 Ida Sim (UCSF)
  3. 1987 Mark Musen (Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam; Stanford MIS)
      Professor Musen, Medicine and CS, 1988-today:
    1. 1994 Yuval Shahar (Stanford MIS 1998-2001, BGU)
        Professor Shahar, Medicine & CS, 1998-2001; Ben Gurion Univ., Israel 2001-today:
        at Stanford
      1. 1999 Cleve Cheng ? ()
      2. 2004? Aneel Advani (Harvard Univ.)
    2. 1994 John Egar (Roche, back to med. school)
    3. 1996 Lucila Ohno-Machado (Harvard)
    4. 2000 Diane Oliver (Institute for the Future)
    5. 2002 Amar Das (Columbia, Stanford)
        Professor Das, Stanford
  4. 1989 Curtis Langlotz (Univ. of Penn.)
  5. 1990 R. Martin Chavez (Goldman-Sachs, Credit Suisse - First Boston, Kiodex)
  6. 1990 Holly Jimison (Kaiser-Portland, Oregon Health and Sciences Univ.)
  7. 1991 Harold Lehmann (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
  8. 1996 Alex Poon (eBay, ?)
  9. 1996 Gretchen Purcell (Duke, University of Pittsburgh)
  10. 1997 Keith Campbell (Inoveon, Veterans' Administration) At Columbia
  11. 2005 Donwen Wang (Univ. of Rochester)