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The Implementation Phase

The implementation phase is summarized in Table gif on page  gif.  

  [IMAGE ]
Table: The Implementation Phase

In the implementation phase the team builds the components. Given the architecture document from the design phase and the requirement document from the analysis phase, the team should build exactly what has been requested though there is still room for flexibility. For example, a component may be special cased for only this particular system, or the component may be made more general to satisfy a reusability guideline across many systems forming a product line. The requirement document or the architecture document should give guidance.

The implementation phase deals with issues of quality, performance, baselines, libraries, and debugging. The end deliverable is the product itself.

There are already many established techniques associated with implementation. This thesis is flexible about which technique is followed.

Ronald LeRoi Burback
Wed Jul 30 10:49:53 PDT 1997