Next: About this document
Up: Software Engineering Methodology: The
Previous: References
- analysis
- architecture
- change management
- change order control
- component testing
- critical error
- critical task
- design
- dynamic completeness
- dynamic non-complete
- gold standard
- implementation
- implementation plan
- internal testing
- level
- life cycle
- methodology
- non-optimal goal
- noun phrase
- ontology
- paradigms
- performance
- product
- project management
- proof of principle
- prototype
- regression test
- requirements
- risk analysis
- scenario
- scenarios
- screen shots
- source control
- spiral
- state
- static completeness
- story board
- stress testing
- testing
- test plan
- test plans
- unit testing
- verb phrase
- versions
- waterfall
- WaterSluice
Ronald LeRoi Burback
Wed Jul 30 10:49:53 PDT 1997