Email <>.
- Born June 24, 1936 in Varese, Italy.
- United States citizen.
- Various security clearances.
- Married to Voy Yat Jew,
July 30, 1966.
- Two children, John A.
- and Randy Y.
- and grandchildren
Evan (2002),
Voy holding Anni (2003),
Anni, being admired by Evan and fathers,
Eli (2005), and
Zoë (2005).
All four (2005).
- Ancestors.
- TMS Technicum, Rotterdam, Holland
- C.Ae. cum laude in Aeronautical Engineering (equiv. to B.S.)
- THS Delft, Delft, Holland
- Graduate work in Aeronautics
- Assistantship in the Laboratory for Electronic Music
- University of California at Berkeley
- Course work in heuristic programming, compiler design,
recursive programming, lambda calculus
- University of California, San Francisco
- Ph.D. in Medical Information Science; Thesis:
"A Methodology for the Design of Medical Database Systems"
2003, November
- London Business School, London, UK
- Financial Seminar for Senior Managers
2000 (April-July)
- Private Consultant ( contract)
to industry ( client listing).
- Expertise: Database Use and Design.
Information System Design, Effectiveness,
Maintenance, and Security. System Evaluation.
Software IP Valuation
1987 (5 mos.)
- Guest Research Investigator, IBM Deutschland, Stuttgart FRG.
- Project Manager, University of California, San Francisco,
Office of Medical Information Systems, for
"Evaluation of Automated Ambulatory Medical Records Systems".
- Staff Consultant, Stanford University Hospital, Depts. of
Immunology and of Community Medicine and Family Practice,
Stanford Medical School.
- Manager of System Design, MASCOR - Multi-Access Systems
Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA.
- Director of Program and Terminal Development, INDEX Division
of Reeves Telecom Corporation, New York and Belmont, CA.
1964-1965- Visiting Professor, IIT Kanpur, India (KIAP consortium, sponsored by
US AID and UC Berkeley).
- Head of Programming, Computer Center, University of California,
Berkeley, CA.
- Programmer and Senior Programmer, IBM Service Bureau
Corp., New York and San Jose, CA.
- Technical Assistant, SHAPE Air Defense Technical Center, NATO
The Hague, Holland.
summer 1955
- Machinist's mate, MS Trito, Dutch Merchant Marine.
In these functions Gio led the development of projects which resulted in
a number of innovations. They are documented in detail in his
publications. The dates refer to the initial effort,
proposal or specification.
- Numerical methods for computing the power (specific impulse) of solid
rocket fuel combustion (1959).
- Inserting alphabetic I/O capability into FORTRAN compilers (1960).
- An incremental compiling technology, which permits a flexibility close
to interpreted code, while running at high speed (1962).
- Real-time data-acquisition control and data analysis using coupled
computers for clinical research (1965).
- Transposed storage for databases for very-high speed on-line
analytical processing (1970).
- Creation of knowledge-base technology exploiting artificial
intelligence concepts to provide intelligent and efficient access to
databases (1977).
- Rapid presentation of databased information for personal computing
(1982 - industrial work).
- Model-based transformation of relational database information into
object-oriented representations (1986).
- The architectural concepts leading to mediators (1990).
- Initiation of the Intelligent Integration of Information program at DARPA.
A very visible component is the Digital Library effort, delegated then
to NSF, which has opened up new Internet application fields, and funded
projects such as Google (1993).
- A means to protect outgoing private information in practical databases
used for collaboration (1995).
- Means to integrate projections into the future into information systems
-- SimQL (1996).
- The development of a very-high-level language for software composition
- An approach to scalable semantic interoperation via an ontology
algebra (1998).
- Introduction of `Writing for the Web' as a course component to introduce students to
writing approaches that are suitable for modern information access methods (2004).
- A method to value software intangibles based on balancing initial and
maintenance efforts to allocate income (2005).
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, 1987-1997)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, since 1967)
- American Association for Medical Informatics (AMIA, since 1982)
- Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL, since 1974-1990)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM, since 1960)
- American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA, 1961-1990)
- ASTM Section 13 Standards Development (1985-1988)
- Combustion Institute (1960-1990)
- IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS, since 1966)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, since 1985)
- The Institute of Management Science (TIMS, 1975-1989)
List of over 400 papers and reports.
Many important papers are available to net browsers.
A listing of research investigatorships held.
Teaching Activities
A listing of courses taught.
A listing of student theses supervised.
Consulting Activities
A partial listing of consulting performed.
My standard consulting contract.
Since 2003 I am no longer available for commercial consulting because of conflict-of-interest concerns.
- 1968 Who's Who in America.
- 1974-1976 National Library of Medicine Fellowship.
- 1980-1984 Member, Health Care Technology Study Section, HRA-DHSS.
- 1981-1986 Chairman of the Board, Pacific Software, Berkeley.
- 1981-1984 Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Computer Society.
- 1982 Program Chairman, IEEE Computer Society 2nd Symposium. on Reliability in Distributed Software and
Database Systems.
- 1982-1986 Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Computer Magazine.
- 1985-1990 Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Expert Magazine.
- 1980-1983 Member, Panel to Study the Conduct of Basic Research in Computer Science and its
Interaction with Applied Research and Development, NRC, National Academy of Science.
- 1982-1985 Member, Committee on Data Management and Computation, Space Sciences Board,
NRC, National Academy of Science.
- 1982 Member, Data for Development International, Marseille, France.
- 1983-2001 Advisory Editor, M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.
- 1984-1986 Chairman, Vice Chairman (1983), Executive Committee of the IEEE-CS Technical
Committee on Database Engineering.
- 1984-1986 Program Co-Chairman, Program Chairman, General Chairman, IEEE Computer Society Data
Engineering Conferences.
- 1984 Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI).
- 1984 Service award, IEEE Computer Society for contributions to the Centennial Issue.
- 1984 Zertifikat, Medizinischer Informatiker, GDMS Koln and GI Bonn.
- 1985-1988 Advisory Committee Massachussets Inst. of Technology, Idaho National Energy Lab. Program.
- 1986 Who's Who in Artificial Intelligence.
- 1986-1999 IFIP Working Group 2.6 of Technical Commitee 2 for Data Models; continuing as Honorary Member.
- 1982-1992 Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief, ACM TODS (Transactions on Database Systems).
- 1988 Group leader for 'Data Management and Access' Workshop to Develop Recommendations for the
National Scientific Effort on AIDS Modeling and Epidemiology.
- 1988-1990 Member, Panel to Study the Computing Options for the Social Security System for the Year 2000,
NRC, Nat.Acad. of Science.
- 1988-1991 Scientific Advisory Council, Foundation for Knowledge-Based Systems, The Netherlands.
- 1988 Medal of the University, University of Helsinki, Finland.
- 1988-2001 External Advisory Board, GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany.
- 1989-1998 ACM Publications Board, focusing on copyright and the digital library.
- 1990-2005 Advisory Committee, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers, Japan.
- 1990-1991 Chairman, DoCommerce-JTEC Japanese Technology in Databases Assessment study.
- 1990-1995 Advisory panel, ARPA-Rome Laboratory Planning initiative.
- 1991 Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE).
- 1991, May Erdos number 3, by publishing with Sushil Jajodia, 1987 <-- Yechezkel Zalcstein 1989, 1993 <-- Paul Erdos. All my coauthors are now Erdos 4 or less.
- 1992-1998 Member, ACM Publications Board, for electronic publishing.
- 1993 Recipient, ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award.
- 1993-1996 Board of Directors, National Center for Geographic Information & Analysis.
- 1994-present Member, Cosmos Club, Washington DC.
- 1994-2002 Member, Bioinfomatics Advisory Board, SmithKline-Beecham,
London, GB, and Philadelphia PA
- 1994-1995 Member, Committee on Stanford Administrative Computing (C-SAC)
- 1995 Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- 1995 Stanford University Information Architecture Review Board.
- 1995 Visiting member, U.S. Air Force, Scientific Advisory Board, Information Technology.
- 1995-1999 Technical Advisory Board, Advanced Distributed Simulation. Inst.for Defense Analysis.
- 1995-1998 Technical Advisory Board, National Industrial Information Infrastructure Program (NIIIP).
- 1995-1998 Faculty member, Stanford Computer Industry Project,
Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- 1995-1996 Member, Committee for Materials and Processes Research and the
Information Highway, National Research Council, Washington DC.
- 1996-continuing Golden Core Member, IEEE Computer Society.
- 1996 -1999 Technical Advisory Board, NIST Consortium for Integrated
Intelligent Manufacturing PLanning and EXecution (CIIMPLEX).
- 1996-1997 Program committee, CODATA/NIST National Conference on Data
Integration and Data Exchange for Scientific and Technical Data, Dec 1997.
- 1996 Member, Program Committee
VLDB-96, Bombay, Sept.3-6.
- 1997-2001 Member, New York Academy of Sciences.
- 1997-2003 Member, Technical Advisory Board, Center voor Wiskunde
en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- 1998, 1999, 2001 Member, review committees, Ecole Polytechnique
Federale, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 2000-2009 Member, Computer Science Department Advisory
Board, Technical University, Munich, Germany.
- 2001 Visiting Member, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board,
Panel on Database Migration.
- 2002-current Member, International Advisory Board,
Elsevier Web
Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web journal, see
- 2005-2011 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Lower Saxony Learning Center, Technical University,
Hannover, Germany.
- 2008, February CiteSeer Citation count Computer Science = 2672 (2666 wiederhold -21 (not me) +29 Weiderhold -2 (not me) )
- 2008, February Google Scholar Citation count All areas = 9259 (8868 G Wiederhold + 391 G Weiderhold)
- 2008-current National Associate, National Research Council of the National Academies.
- 2011, June Doctor of Science honoris causa, National University of Ireland, Galway.
- 2011-current, U.S. representative for the Armstrong Siddeley branch of the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust.
- 2015, June Distinguished Alumnus, University Of California, San Francisco, 150th anniversary celebration.
- 2015, August Fellow of the Information Reuse Institute (IRI).
- 2020 Top 2% in Elseviers Mendeley credentials list from SRI.