What do angry people exchange ?
1 As gullible as a 24-hour-old (4,9)
8 Edge along on foot stealthily (6)
9 Deform, etc, silent wagger (8)
10 Hurt, limping more, in his domain (5)
11 Does it become the money capital if it has a wall before it ? (6)
12 Does man also take part in this competition ? (3,4)
14 Naked pussy in disarray in this club (7)
16/20 Fragile set of intellectuals (3-5)
18 and 15Dn Boils at a new ship (4-4)
20 See 16
22 and 4Dn Double-date is considered betrayal ! (3-4)
23 Reject rubbish that you melt again? (6)
24 See 7 Dn.
27 Relic made by Arthur and I, that's the truth ! (8)
28 Hate removal of examinations ? !! (6)
29 Contemplation of suicide is the million-dollar question.(13)
1 If she's a gambler, is she this, or isn't she ? (6,4)
2 About even at the beginning of the stroke, a good reply (8)
3 A confused age may provide such a royal guard (6)
4 See 22 Ac.
5 A fan, say, of such cuff tears (7)
6 Illnesses due to foods gone bad (8)
7 and 24 Ac. Go it alone with an unfettered spear (4-5)
13 Shady house title outline comes to light (10)
15 See 18 Ac.
"Steffi Graf Fit ? Oxymoron of the decade"(8)
(If you can’t crack this clue, the writing is on the wall)
19 Change oneself and obtain another (5,3)
20 A great number grow old as he is held prisoner (7)
21 To clothe without an outergarment ( shirt ) perhaps ! (6)
25 See 12 Ac.
26 Activity using a spoon in prison ? (4)