I now run the Database Group Movie Club, which has its own separate site here. We have weekly movie screenings, with monthly themes. My essays on the screened movies as well as on the themes themselves, appear on this site.
I have been afflicted by the contagious list-mania that started out during the 25th anniversary of ESPN and has since rapidly infected all its rabid watchers. Caught in its throes, I have been coerced into drawing up three separate lists involving movies, besides my regular list of the best movies I've seen so far. As a saving grace, I have staved off the infection well enough to avoid making any of them a Top-100 list.
Here are the lists:
- Top Movies -- A long list of movies I've seen, sorted by my rating, and embellished with comments.
- Movies I Own -- A list of movies I own on DVD.
- Overlooked Movies -- Movies that are relatively obscure, or frowned down upon, despite being anywhere between good and great.
- Movies By Theme -- A clustering of some of my favorite movies into groups of 3 or 4 by theme.