Odds and Ends
To sum up my other interests:
- Cricket - I'm a rabid cricket fan. Cricket also holds the distinction of being the only sport that I have missed classes to watch.
- Sports- I watch practically every sport on TV. (I draw the line at Celebrity Poker and Angling.) Sports I follow most closely include NBA basketball, MLB baseball, the NFL, Formula One racing, tennis and golf.
- Etymology - I like poking around into the origins of words.
- Music- Led Zeppelin is my all-time favorite. Other favorites, in alphabetical order, include Aerosmith oldies, Beatles, Beethoven, David Bowie, Cream, Chopin, Doors, Dire Straits, Bob Dylan, Franz Ferdinand, Guns 'n Roses, Metallica, Mozart, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, R.E.M., Simon and Garfunkel, Tchaikovski and the Yardbirds.