Gio Wiederhold

Entries may be moved to protect copyrights.

    New Book: Valuing Intellectual Capital; Multinationals and Taxhavens

    This book is currently (Sep. 2012) under relase review by the U.S. Treasury, but will be published by the Springer Verlag in their series on "Management for Profesionals" when cleared.

    Recent position papers, 2003 - 2006.

    AAAS: Release Protection

    Presentation: "Security when Collaborating (HTML)" at the 2004 AAAS track on Security and Science, Panel on Trust and Security in Biological Databases, Feb 2004. Press release in Science Daily, 16 Feb 2004.
    Release protection for "Statistical Inference Control, presented at the National Archives, Nov. 2005.
    More on the topic of Trusted Interoperation of Health Care Data below.

    Documents regarding US patent 5,301,105.

    Documents released from the case protective order:
    Contribution of Gio Wiederhold and Ron Burback (1Mb),
    Special Master's Report and Recommendation (5.4MB).

    IKS:Profiting from Data Mining.

    Wiederhold, Gio: "Profiting From Data Mining (HTML)" warning - slide 12 takes long to load; Source (ppt)"; Abstract (MS word.doc)"; Keynote Material for the IKS conference in Phoenix, AZ; Nov. 2003.
    Panel Slide for Problems with Knowledge Bases, Source (ppt)".


    Wiederhold, Gio: "Mediator Based Systems"; Joachim Hammer and Markus Schneider: chapter for Handbook of Database Systems, CRC publishers, to appear Nov. 2007, delayed.

    BioX: Biological Data Management.

    Wiederhold, Gio: "Science in Two Domains"; Position paper for the NLM/NSF workshop on A Research Challenge for Biological Data Management; 2-3 Feb 2003, NLM, Bethesda Md., updated after the meeting

    GC: Dealing with Inconsistency.
    Wiederhold, Gio: "The Impossibility of Global Consistency"; Position paper updated for the NLM/NSF workshop on A Research Challenge for Biological Data Management; 2-3 Feb 2003, NLM, Bethesda Md; published in OMICS, The Journal of Integrative Biology, Vol.7 No.3, March 2003, pages 17-20.
    See also "Obtaining Precision when Integrating Information" given at ICEIS in 2001, and the accompanying slides (ppt).

Other Research Papers in Progress

Software Valuation.

Wiederhold, Gio: "What is your Software Worth" (Full paper and references, 824Kbytes) (Adobe pdf), updated June 2007;
A shortened version appeared in the Communications of the ACM, Vol.49 No.9, September 2006.
Supporting spreadsheet.
Source slides from a presentation at the Technical University in Vienna, 22 Oct 2004, revised.
Slides from a tutorial on Worth and Offshoring of Intellectual Property at the CAiSE conference, Amsterdam, June 2009.

Also, for the European Semantic Web Conference, 29 May - 2 June 2005, Crete: "What are Web Services Worth?" (draft) (Adobe pdf); 3 February 2005;
and "What are Web Services Worth?" (presentation slides, revised - Adobe pdf), 19 Jun 2005; supporting spreadsheet; corrected, 28 May 2005.

Related topic 1:Investment "Lag"

Gio Wiederhold: Determining Software Investment Lag; Draft, March 2008; Journal of Universal Computer ScienceVol.14 no.22, March 2009.

Related topic 2: IP and Offshoring

The way high tech industry escapes taxation by moving IP offshore and what it does to job creation Follow the IP, How do companies pay programmers' salaries when they move the required IP rights to offshore taxhavens? Published in the Comm. of the ACM, Jaunary 2011 (131Kbytes, Adobe pdf).

Software Valuation and Outsourcing; Presentation slides from seminars given Oct. 2006 at the Lower Saxony Research Center, Hannover; at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Vienna; and at St.Anne's College in Oxford (875Kbytes, Adobe pdf).

Offshoring IP, "Money", and Jobs

Gio Wiederhold: "Follow the Money, how does industry pay programmers' salaries when the required intellectual property is offshored?""; Accepted for publication in Comm.ACM, December 2009, to appear early 2011.
Gio Wiederhold, Shirley Tessler, Amar Gupta, and David Branson Smith: "The Valuation of Technology-Based Intellectual Property in Offshoring Decisions"; The Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), Vol.24, 2009; prior draft:
Gio Wiederhold, Amar Gupta, David Branson, and Shirley Tessler: The Valuation of Intellectual Property in Offshoring Decisions . Working draft, 520Kb.
Paper presented at the 2007 Seafood Conference in Zurich: Wiederhold, Gupta and Neuhold: The Value of Outsourced Software;, published 2007 (pdf 267Kb).
Slides for presentation (ppt, 586Kb) given by Prof. Walter Gander after Gio broke his leg.

Presentation given at the Eller School of Business at the Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, 23 September 2005: Tax Consequences from Offshoring Intellectual Property -- Updated version of a
Presentation given at the MIT Sloan school Offshore Outsourcing Seminar, 14 April 2004: Offshoring and IP; slides for discussion points -- not an argument pro or con offshoring;
Abstract 2004 (MS word.doc).

PFM: Software Product Flow.

Wiederhold, Gio: "The Product Flow Model"; Keynote prepared for the 2003 SEKE conference, San Mateo, CA, May 2003.
(Presentation Slides).
Revised version (pdf), 30 December 2003; (doc), 30 December 2003.
(ppt), University of Potsdam, 28 November 2004. Contains additional modeling results.

eRules: IT Support for e-Rulemaking.

Wiederhold, Gio and Kincho Law: Information Technology Support for e-Rulemaking"; slides presented at an NSF-sponsored Workshop at The Harvard University Kennedy Center, Cambridge MA, 21-22 Jan. 2003.
Working Paper
More about the Workshop.

RegNet: slides for CS300, Oct 2001.

Regnet overview (ppt). More complete slides are available
Paper by Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, and Gio Wiederhold: Analyzing Government Regulations Using Structural and Domain Information"; IEEE Computer, Vol.38 No.12, Dec. 2005, pp 70:76.

Security Data Mining.

Wiederhold, Gio: "On the Need of Closed Loop Models to Discover Low Frequency Events"; Position paper for the SIAM workshop on Security Data Mining, San Francisco, 3 May 2003.
Related documents: RX: Pointers to papers from the RX project, collected 23 Jan 2003.

Floyd Obit

Floyd (PS).

Globo: Material for interview, 12 Jul 2002.

Discussion Material (ppt).

Chapter for Ontology handbook, submitted fall 2002.

Ontology Algebra.

CS545Why: Lecture for CS545, 28 Sep 2001.

Why Databases; Slides in Powerpoint.

WEB: Web Growth.

Web Growth Slides from CS99 class Web lecture 1998/1999, updated 2006. In PowerPoint since recent improvements can in Powerpoint conversion can mess up the pictures.

IBMRD: Presentation for research meeting at IBM Watson labs, 7 March 2001.

Using Knowledge to Exploit Data (ppt).

TITech: Presentation at Tokyo Institute of Technology, 13 Nov 2000

Converting Data to Knowledge (HTML).
Powerpoint slides source.

IFIP: Material from Security Working Group Meeting, August 2000

Securing Collaboration, Powerpoint slides.
Securing Collaboration, Paper in MS .doc.

Protecting Release of Private Data

AAAS Panel presentation 14 Feb 2004
5 slides and abstract (ppt)..

TIHI IEEE SMC submission, July 2000
Paper on Collaboration (TIHI) in MSword..
TIHI Collaboration paper converted to HTML..


TID: Image protection (for NSF workshop)
Slides in HTML.
Slides in PPT.

Older and General background Material
people and references.

Plans and status for the Trusted Interoperation of Healthcare Information (TIHI) subcontract to SRI , starting 1 March 1995. Paper preprints added March 1996.

Paper for 11 August 97 IFIP Security Workshop.

Chris Donahue TIHI paper for IFIP (ps).

COPA: testimony, August 2000

Slide Source for Stanford Security Workshop, March 2001 (.ppt), based on NRC meeting skides below.
Slide Source for NRC meeting [James Wang] (.ppt).
Updated Submssion in MSword (.doc).
Updated Submssion converted to HTML.
Draft2 of Testimony slides in HTML (887kB).
Draft2 of Testimony slides in PPT (230kB).
Draft2 of Testimony slides in PPT95 (1 234kB).
Agenda and other testimony

CERN presentation, June 2000

Slides in PPT.

CSD Forum 2000

Slides in PPT.

NRC Bioinformatics

Feb. 2000 Meeting Notes (htm), presented at the National Academy, Washingon DC.

Synopsis slides: Scalable Knowledge Composition: SKC.

Summary SKC slides, selected from several presentations, updated Sep. 2001 (ppt).
More material.
Knowledge Composition Tool (html show).
Knowledge Composition Tool (ppt source).

EDBT: papers

WJ: SimQL abstract.html
WJ: SimQL.pdf Not accepted

MWM: Onion abstract.html
MWM: Onion.pdf Accepted

JETRO: Report source for MITI

JETRO - MITI report, 1999.
Associated presentation slides, Oct 1999 (html).
Associated presentation slides, Oct 1999 (powerpoint).

NSF Preservation Study 1999

Executive draft (MS word 20 apr 1999, 68K bytes.
Report draft (MS Word) 17 Apr 1999, 105K bytes.

Interop 99 paper


DBPD: Mediators

DBPD Mediators (html) draft.

SimQL: Simulation Access language

Integration of Simulation Results into Information Systems (ppt) Slides from a presentation at Dagstuhl, April 2002, updated Nov. 2002.

Augmenting Information Systems with Access to Predictive Tools (html) -- unpublished .

Information systems That Really Support Decision-making (html) -- Keynote for ISMIS, 8 June 1999.

An Interface Language for Projecting Alternatives in Decision-Making (html) draft.

SimQL slide presentation (ppt).

EPFL:Course given at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Spring 2000.

Overview (html).
Individual talk slides in powerpoint. Global lecture
1: History
2: Search
3: Digital Libraries
4.1: Electronic Commerce
4.2: Customer Model
5: mediators
6: Software
7: Bioinformatics
8: Education
9: Security
10: Future

BIS210: Lecture Notes, 15 March 2001.

Slides in Powerpoint.

CHAIMS: Master slides, 1999

1999 Powerpoint Source.
Original 1999 Powerpoint Source.

ZERO Latency

Invitation (html) draft.
Salasin Slides (ppt) draft (hard to read).
words from Salasin Slides (html) draft.

Salasin 1998 Slides (ppt98) draft.

Plan 0 (html) draft. Plan 0 (ascii) draft. Plan 0 (Word) draft.

Figures slidehow (color html) updated 27 Jan 1998. Figures (source ppt).

Figures (ppt V4) old version.

Meeting Handout (html). Meeting Handout Word source (doc).

Meeting Notes text, reformatted (rtf). Meeting Notes text, reformatted (ascii). Meeting Notes (ppt). Meeting Notes slide show (b&w html) (incomplete because of slide overflow) .

current Stanford EDCS work: CHAIMS master page.

DBD:Database Design

Database Design, 2nd edition, restored for the ACM SIGMOD anthology (February 2001).

Database Design, 3rd, On-line Edition, March 1996. June 1997. Chapters are added gradually in postscript or/and in HTML. It is intended to be free on-line perusal, but printing is subject to payment.
Material from Ramez ElMasri on the Algebra over the Structural model.

MIS textbook, to be published by the Springer Verlag in 1998.

MIS chap 4 word.doc) draft. MIS chap 4 word.doc, no figs) draft. MIS Fig.4.1 (ppt) draft. MIS Fig.4.3 (jpg) draft. MIS Fig.4.11 (jpg) draft.

Penguin, with Arthur Keller

Penguin overview paper (.pdf) and (.ps).

draft Review of Cargill: Open Systems Standardization for ACM CR.

Mega reprint for NPGS.

Related publications

INEL ERIS Design draft 15 Feb96 by Hui et al.

ISO evaluation.



NSF HCS note Draft (Html).

MIFT paper, 25Jan97.

Material for Kluwer book: Intelligent Integration of information: I3 publication
Original Glossary (html)

CS545 seminars: seminar Archive;

MOV: Movies Documentation (html).

Provides these and other entrypoints. Updated December 2004.
Entry point to XML and DTD files for the movies (html). Updated December 2003. Most files have been syntactically validated.
Movies Main (html).
Hitchcock Movies (html); not being updated.
Casts of Hitchcock Movies (html); not being updated.
Movies Actors (html).
Movie People (html).
Movies Casts (html).
Movies Remakes(html).
Movies Studios(html). Not clean.
Movies Awardtypes (html).

Gio's paperlist (complete).
Gio's slidelist (incomplete wrt content).
Gio Wiederhold's homepage.

for Randy

Randy's directory.